Seeing Red: A weekend of dogsos, violent conduct, 2CTs, and SFP

Despite originally not having games, I found myself Sunday afternoon at a nearby complex that had a couple of last minute referee cancellations, with two U16B ARs, and a U19G AR. All three were division 1 games that were expected to be pretty competitive, and good games to be a part of.

What wasn’t expected was the 4 red cards that collectively occurred from all of them…

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Update: My (excellent) experience with Goal Kick Soccer

So after stumbling onto an excellent price for Official Sports uniforms at, I promised to give a further update about the transaction, since the whole transaction really seemed too good to be true.

I can now very happily say that Goa lKick Soccer may just be the best online company I’ve ever interacted with.


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April 11th – Dealing with Dissent

I was up later than usual on Thursday night, making doubly sure that I everything I needed for trip to my second round of State Cup games this weekend. However, the weather had different plans, and all of the games were called off, and will (hopefully) be played some time in May. That being the case, I figured I decided to pick up some games at the local fields and help out an assignor who was in desperate need of referees for the weekend. Continue reading

A Dissertation

For as long as I have been refereeing, I have longed to find an outlet to both chronicle and share my experiences on and of the fields. A few years back I tried to force myself to use a Google Blogger blog that I had created for myself, but the content that I posted continually seemed juvenile and unnatural. So this represents Take 2. On a better platform with a lot more maturity as a writer and referee, I have hopes that this will be semi-successful. My goals, this time around, are to get a post published after every day of games with match incidents and how I felt about them, in conjunction with reviews of referee equipment (that seem to be lacking entirely on the internet), and maybe a case study or two about something that happens in an MLS game.

Here’s to round two.